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  1. Safety, Security and the environment at Dounreay
  2. The Dounreay Community
  3. Procurement at Dounreay
  4. Staff news and information

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  1. 高性价比V2ray/SSR/SS机场推荐 | 心阶云 - ISZY云推荐:2021-2-15 · 永久官网地址会一直保留,也会尽量提供备用域名供访问,确保不会找不到。稳定性的话,经过升级改造,现阶段只要不买lv1套餐,v2ray线路和隧道中转的ssr线路还是不错的,总体价格性价比也很高,可伍考虑。不放心的话,可伍先整个月付的。
  2. DSRL and LLWR to become NDA subsidiaries
  3. Socio-economic support for communities near Dounreay

See all latest documents

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STAR:2021-6-15 · STAR平台提供由教育局編製在中文、英文和數學科第一學習階段至第三學習階段的優質網上評估材料。教師可透過載有超過57,000道題目的STAR平台製作評估課業給個別學生或班別,即時獲悉學生相關表現,並參考教育局的「網上學與教支援」網站,為學生提供有效及適切的學與教跟進。

Dounreay works with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

Read more about what we do

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Guidance and regulation

  1. Dounreay Communities Fund
  2. Socio-economic support for communities near Dounreay
See all guidance and regulation


  1. 《非人学园》开学倒计时7天 人设吐槽海报毒舌齐发 - 盒子游戏:2021-6-15 · 距离《非人学园》6月22日开学,已经进入一周倒计时!现在预约即可获得豪华公测礼包,同学伊不要忘记登录官网预约公测资格喔。随着App Store首发临近,学园英雄伊也开始躁动起来。
  2. DSRL and LLWR to become NDA subsidiaries
See all news and communications

Policy papers and consultations

  1. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: Business Plan 2023 to 2023
  2. NDA group equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2018 to 2023
See all policy papers and consultations

Transparency and freedom of information releases

  1. NDA privacy notice for socio-economic grant funding
  2. Radioactive particles in the environment around Dounreay
See all transparency and freedom of information releases

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Mark Rouse
Managing Director
Strategic Programme Director
Operations Director
Alexander MacGill
《非人学园》官方网站-网易无厘头漫画风5V5对战手游:2021-3-19 · 耳熟能详的神仙妖魔,化身为非都超能力者,一言难尽的无厘头画风,欢乐逗趣的吐槽,全程高能,零尿点欢乐对决;英雄亲密度,打造你的本命专属。让我伊一起在这充满魔性的漫画世界,摩擦出不 …
David Hubbard
Programme Delivery Director
Lesley Sewell
Business Services Director
Barrie Cran
Assurance Director
Stephen Young
Organisational Excellence Director

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01847 802121

Dounreay switchboard

Write to us

Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd
KW14 7TZ
United Kingdom



To raise a complaint or get in touch with us, please use the following information



01847 803210

If calling out of hours telephone the site shift manager and ask for the duty press officer

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  1. Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
  2. Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
  3. Make a new request by contacting us using the details below.

Freedom of Information Enquiries

Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd
KW14 7TZ
United Kingdom





Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The site belongs to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, a non-departmental public body of the UK Government.

The NDA is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

DSRL is the site licence company that works under contract to the NDA. Requests for information that fall within the scope of the legislation are processed by DSRL in accordance with a contractual agreement that reflects the duties on the NDA.

Formal requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 should be made to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Dounreay will endeavour to answer all Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation requests within statutory time limits. However, there may be delays because of the effects of the pandemic so please bear with us; we will answer your requests as soon as possible and try to keep you updated.

You can also contact the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), who are the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights for further advice on requesting information. Their helpline number is 0303 123 1113. Information is available on the ICO website here - http://ico.org.uk/

Corporate information

  1. Office access and opening times
  2. shadowrocket免费节点
  3. Accessible documents policy
  4. ssr最新订阅地址大全


  1. Working for Dounreay
  2. Procurement at Dounreay
  3. Jobs

Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information.